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The Wessex Neurological Centre Trust (Smile4Wessex)

The Wessex Neurological Centre is one of the largest and most highly-regarded neurological units in the UK. The centre, located at Southampton General Hospital, provides acute neurosurgical and neurological care, and caters for a population of around 3 million people across central southern England. The Smile4Wessex Appeal channels funds in support of projects which aim to improve the range and quality of care provided at the Wessex Neurological Centre, and to fund research into conditions of the nervous system.

Previously funded projects have included a dedicated neurological intensive care ambulance, a paediatric Video-Telemetry Suite (used to asses children with severe epilepsy for life-changing corrective surgery), a state-of-the-art neurosurgical operating microscope fitted with fluorescence imaging technology, and research into a non-invasive method of measuring pressure on the brain. For further information, please visit the appeal web site at

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The Wessex Neurological Centre Trust (Smile4Wessex)

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