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Self Help Africa

Charity Info – For 30 years, we’ve been supporting families in rural Africa to escape hunger and poverty. With projects in nine countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Togo, Uganda and Zambia – we’re helping around 200,000 farming families escape hunger and poverty every year.

We don’t give hand-outs or aid. Instead, we give families the skills they need to grow enough food to feed themselves, make a profit and manage their own lives. Challenge yourself for Self Help Africa and we’ll provide you with:

  • A dedicated member of the Self Help African team to support your fundraising
  • Factsheet of fundraising ideas, including advice on setting up your JustGiving webpage for sponsorship
  • Self Help Africa T-shirt
  • Publicity materials about Self Help Africa
  • Support twice a term for meetings and promotional events
  • Your chance to help free rural Africa from hunger and poverty

    Call: 01743 277170

  • Self Help Africa



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