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Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue

Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue is a small charity dedicated to the Rescue - Rehabilitation and Release of wildlife. We help around 3000 sick, injured or orphaned wild animals including around 800 hedgehogs return to the wild - every year! We are run by a dedicated team of volunteers under the guidance of our Trustee and Founder, Anne Brummer. We are open 365 days a year. In addition to our Rescue work we are working to help save Hedgehogs through our Amazing Grace Project - starting with making our home area of Surrey Heath - The UK’s first Hedgehog Friendly’ Borough. We encourage everyone to do 5 simple things in their own gardens - We call this Grace’s 5-Point Charter and then encourage their neighbours to do the same. We also train volunteers to survey for hedgehogs using tunnels and offer free advice on how to make your garden ‘Grace friendly’. We continue to push the boundaries of better care for animals. We have over 30 years of experience of helping wild animals that we have utilised in our new veterinary and critical care units, our unique ‘soft-release’ programmes, whilst continuing to improve our daily care routines using the latest innovations and techniques.

Call: 01344 623106

Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue

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