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Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA)

We are the only charity in the UK that exists to directly advise, help and support people who have been harmed by an avoidable medical incident.

Since our creation in 1982, we have supported helped over 100,000 people through a variety of channels including our helpline and website. We work to inform public debate about avoidable medical harm and campaign to reduce it. We work with government and regulators to influence policy that may impact patient safety and access to justice for those who have been avoidably harmed. Our helpline is open five days a week and takes around 2,050 calls a year. We provide tailored advice to around 500-600 people a year who report incidents to us, so that they can get answers and a meaningful outcome following avoidable harm. We rely on the generosity of supporters to provide our services: we receive no government funding. We are a strong team of committed staff aided by over 100 volunteers who provide dedicated support on our helpline.

Take on a trek or challenge for AvMA and help us support People who suffer avoidable medical harm get the support and the outcomes they need.

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